In a recent forum discussion (see
Nazirene Disciple Forum)
I was asked the question as to why most people don't remember their
past lives. My answer that I will present in the below, will be in the
form of two different responses to the question? As a preface to my
below explanation, it is important for the reader to be cognizant of the
fact that the biblical authors warned that it is virtually impossible
for the mind of
"natural" organic man to comprehend his own higher soul and spiritual reality -- as detailed in the
Prologue Of The Key Of Knowledge
-- and to their own spiritual undoing, Christians perpetually ignore
this warning. Secondly, it is easily demonstrated that while Jesus
taught the reality of the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection
over the course of many lifetimes (see
Christian Reincarnation),
he did not teach reincarnation from an Eastern or New Age perspective.
That a Roman Emperor outlawed the teachings on the pre-existent soul
-- literally forcing the Church to accept his decree -- does not in any
manner negate the Truth. But what it does do with respect to the
search for Truth within the body of Christian believers, is render them
spiritually impotent. Thirdly, the person you are in this world is not
your true self (see
The Divine Counterpart)
-- but rather, an embryonic image of your higher soul-self that has
been generated into the body you are presently using as a vehicle in
this world with the objective of mental and spiritual developmental
evolution -- as presented at . Now, in answer to the question?
people are not supposed to see the past lives that their higher
soul-self has lived -- lives they have no memory of, because they came
into existence at conception in this present life (see
Reincarnation - A Counterfeit Doctrine).
What is even more important is to understand why approximately 20% of
the people are born with the ability to recall the past lives that
their soul-self has lived -- why others can develop the ability -- why
some people can easily be regressed into recalling these past lives -- and while some simply do
not have the ability -- and why others are even blocked from seeing
them? Contrary to the equal means the same philosophy of the Archons of Political Correctness, there is a
very good reason why we are all not only born different -- but why we
see the world from a multitude of opposite and often conflicting
perceptions and understanding? Thus, the question that is raised: If our souls have all lived a great multitude of
previous lifetimes, then why can only a percentage of the population see
these previous lifetimes?
folly of mankind which immerses him in the profound state of ignorance
portrayed in the analogy of
Plato's Cave,
is his assumption that he is
whole, complete, and his true self. This ignorance of man's true self
is in fact
the foundation of his assertion that if there is a God, that God will
accept him as he is -- regardless of the fact that the scriptures warn
that the opposite is true. After all, believers reason, if the person
you are in his world is your whole self, then how can man possibly be
more than he already is? Moreover, if God created man as he is, then
God must approve of his creation.
The ability to recall the past lives that our higher soul-self has
lived, is drawn from the feminine intuitive spheres of mind (see
Intuitive vs Linear) --
which when unbalanced and undeveloped, can be like opening Pandora's
Box. Thus the saying:
Show me your strength, and I'll show you your
weakness. While the intuitive spheres of mind which in our
linear driven culture is often undeveloped and even mentally atrophied,
is able to perceive glimpses of truth
that the linear is often blind to, the intuitive does not get a full
picture -- and often the beginning, the end, and the greater impact of
one's actions is beyond the
perception of the intuitive. Yet, even in its largely culturally
suppressed and undeveloped state, it is still able to access nuggets of
truth that is beyond the vision scope of the linear.
In order to develop a fuller picture, the intuitive must be both
developed and brought into balance with the linear, and then the two
must be evolved up into the higher spheres that are not naturally
supported by the physical body-senses and organic physical mind. And
what this means from the perspective of those who cannot recall past
lives, is that if such a person had the
ability to tap into their intuitive and see their soul's previous
lifetimes, they could not possess the linear attributes of mind that
they presently do -- and thus, they would not be in a position to
those linear attributes of mind -- or, take part in a union of opposites
that would have the potential of developing the higher third-force.
Each of us is not only different -- possessing different strengths and
abilities -- but these differences are extremely important for us to
begin to understand, if we are to grasp the more enlightened perception
of the life that we are living.
When our Constitutional Framers acknowledged The Laws Of Nature And
Nature's God, one of the elements of Natural Law is seen in the fact
that it is MUST manifest WHOLENESS!!! Holographically, the Laws of
Nature must maintain balance across the spectrum of Mind that is
manifest on a Cosmic scale (see
The Enigma Of The Twelve - And The Tree Of Life).
Since each person as a one cell embryo can only represent one single
point of consciousness within the pattern of mind as portrayed in the
Tree of Life -- then all that each person sees and perceives throughout
their lives, is from the perspective of that single point of
consciousness. If, then,
you divide the Tree of Life across the spectrum of humanity in the
outer world, then each person is representative of 1/144,000th of the
whole. And when you further divide this across gender lines, that
makes each man or woman half of this apportionment. And if you were an
enlightened Spiritually Mature seeker who understood what is often
portrayed as the Laws of Nature and
Nature's God, then you would begin to grasp the reality that,
there can never be unity in the outer world, because the Laws
Wholeness -- and the primary cell that formed you as an embryo
could only be imbued with 1/144,000th part of the
Whole. And since
each of the twelve spheres of mind perceive and understand the world
from a different and often opposite paradoxical perspective, then what
you have is the embodiment of the
Tower of Babel Syndrome
that fragments
the thinking and perception of all of mankind -- resulting in the great
conflict of thought that we can easily observe in the world. What
makes you perceive and understand the world differently from others?
The vastly different perceptions are in fact hard-wired into each
person's thinking -- each person possessing a piece of the enigmatic
puzzle -- and together, making a whole.
quoting it directly, one of the parables of the Kingdom is that of a
merchant who searches and finds the Pearl of Great Price, and he goes
and sells all his lesser pearls in order to purchase it. But since the
carnal mind of the readers fail to understand with any depth or
fullness (see
Prologue Of The Key Of Knowledge),
they fail to recognize the fact that the key to acquiring the Pear of
Price is to have collected a substantial number of lesser pearls that
can then be sold in order to acquire the One Pearl. And what this
means is that each person possesses a lesser pearl -- i.e., a fragment
of truth -- and by developing your power of empathy -- and then using
the power of empathy in your interactions with your brothers and sisters
as a type of catalyst to reflect their fragmented perception back to
you -- you can then begin
to expand your own mind, consciousness and being --
We can define empathy as the ability to suspend one's own self in the
endeavor to project one's self into the life and thinking of another, in
order to perceive and understand the world from their perspective.
And what
this means is that while you may not agree with their perception of
life because they are also representative of 1/144,000th of the whole,
they do possess a fragment or lesser pearl that you must possess within
yourself, in order begin to achieve Wholeness within your own self --
which is accomplished by expanding your own mind, consciousness and
being (see
Expansion And Heightening Of Mind)
beyond natural physical organic limitations.
But herein lies the problem -- i.e., empathy only works when you are
able to suspend judgment -- as detailed in the Gospel -- because
judgment is partisan and parochial and is itself limited to a fragment
of mind/whole. Yet, while judgement is an extremely limiting factor,
one of the elements that is absolutely necessary to
expansion of mind,
is discernment. I can discern the vision and
perception of life through the eyes of a homosexual, a whore, a thief, a
liberal or conservative, a
person of a certain philosophical or theological persuasion, as well as
every other fragmented variety of human condition. By suspending
judgment, and empathetically inserting myself into the conditions of my
brothers and
sisters, I can not only see from their perspective -- but I can then use
that person as a catalyst to interact with that part of myself that is
in harmony with that other person. And each time I am able to do this,
I am in effect expanding my own mind, consciousness and being. That
does not mean that I agree with their very limited and fragmented
assessment of life -- but rather, that by empathetically projecting
myself into their mind and thinking, and using them as a reflective
catalyst, I can collect one of the lesser pearls within myself -- which
eventually can be exchanged for the Pearl of Great Price that is beyond
natural organic human conception, because of the limiting factor of the
Natural Laws.
Homosexuals claim that they were created homosexual -- and while many
people may be in denial of this claim, it is fundamentally true (see
Conditions Of Birth).
The question that should be asked is: Why has such a person been born
homosexual in this present life? In fact, modern science has about
proven that each person is born hard-wired to the life that they are
presently living. A liberal, is a liberal, because his thinking is
hard-wired to that manner of perception and thinking -- as is a
conservative. Ultra-liberal
Alan Combs is incapable of seeing the world from the perspective of Right-wing
Sean Hannity
-- and their perceptive thinking is hard-wired to opposite spheres of
mind. Which one is right? It is not a question of right or wrong,
because they both possess an important fragmented piece of the enigmatic
puzzle -- which when combined with many other fragmented pieces,
creates the whole that is maintained across the spectrum of human
thought by the Natural Laws that control our lives.
The Gospel message tells us not to judge our brothers and sisters,
because judgment is predicated on a perception of right and wrong.
Yet, the Gospel also requires a very high level of discernment. If not
even a sparrow can fall to the earth apart from the Will of God (see
The Great Christian Quagmire)
-- and each person is preordained and hard-wired to the life they are
presently living -- then while ideological judgment is in and of itself
the embodiment of evil, discernment and being extremely cognizant of the
fact that choices have consequences that must be lived out, is a human
reality that must be intimately embraced by those who aspire to arise to
man's highest potential. The fact that we are all different -- and to
perceive and evolve the ability to understand the causal factors that
hard-wire us to these often radically opposite differences -- is of the
highest importance in overcoming our own natural limitations -- and
ultimately acquiring the Pearl of Great Price.
Contrary to the Marxist and Secular Progressive ideology of Social
Justice, one
of the more important elements of the Ten Commandments is not to desire
what belongs
to your neighbor. Why? Because each person was born under different
Laws --
they are expressing their lives from the perspective of that fragmentary
that they received as their allotted inheritance in this life -- and
the key is to
develop what you have, without desiring that which has been bestowed
upon your brother. This world is God's Divine Schoolhouse -- each
person's life is in accord with a syllabus and curriculum that was
predetermined before they were even born into this life -- and by Divine
Design, each person's lessons are in accord with the needs and
requirements of the individual. There is a reason why some people are
born rich, while others are poor -- some are intelligent, while others
are seemingly incapable of learning -- some are religious, while others
are agnostic or an unbeliever. Jewish mystics claim that the Jews who
suffered under Hitler, were born into the life they lived (see
The Chickens Come Home To Roost).
It is not an accident that Jeremiah Wright has embraced what is known
as Black Liberation Theology. Or, that he was Barack Obama's spiritual
leader. It was preordained that George W. Bush would be blamed for a
financial meltdown that he did not cause. That this meltdown would
open the door to Barack Obama's presidency.
When you enroll in a course of study, the instructor does not teach the
course in any manner of his choosing. The math teacher does not teach
science, history, English Literature, music or cooking. In like
manner, there is a language association in mathematics -- a different
language in science -- in music, healing and medicine, as well as all
other such courses of study. In each course of study, there is a
predetermined syllabus and curriculum that must be followed, in order to
bring about certain results. And in this respect, each person's life
is a course of study -- and as such, is following a predetermined
syllabus that is intended to bring about certain results. In order to
learn certain lessons, it is necessary for some people to be born
poor. Others to be born rich. Medical science has already
demonstrated that some people are born with the greater potential of an
almost inconceivable number of addictions. Some people are born
virtuous, others not so, while still others become conscious of the need
to develop virtue. Einstein was born into the life of genus. Mozart
composed and performed at the age of five. Da Vinci was born to be a
painter. Siddhārtha Gautama was born to be the Buddha, as was Jesus
born to live the role that he fulfilled. All the world is a stage -- a
stage of learning -- and each person is born into the role that they
are to play on the stage of life. There are no accidents (see
Conditions Of Birth),
and each person is born with abilities in accord with the lessons of
life they have been preordained to learn. And when we apply this
realty to a person's ability to see the previous lives that their higher
soul-self has lived, then this ability would be contingent upon the
individual requirements of the syllabus and curriculum of the life that
the person is presently living -- natural abilities which each person is
born into
this life to develop into a strength and pearl.
What is important is to achieve your true potential -- and you
accomplish this by developing the natural abilities you were imbued
with when you entered this life. The Pearl of Great Price is when you
can see and understand from the perspective and Being of your higher
Soul-Self who is the balance and cumulation of all the fragmented lives
that your soul has lived (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image). And while you can't at present simply jump
to the soul-level of being and perceive reality from this higher enlightened
perspective, you can begin to listen and develop the empathetic
intuition necessary to begin to expand one's own mind, consciousness and
In further reply I wrote the following addition to the above:
We are in this world to develop the necessary mental maturity to arise
to a level of spiritual wholeness and completion of our true self --
i.e., our soul-self (see
). Holographically, we follow the pattern -- and in the same way
that our higher soul-self began as a mere spark of the Divine which was
the offspring of Mother/Father God that was infused with the
consciousness of the
(Mind of God), we begin our existence as a single-cell embryo from our
mother/father which was infused with the consciousness of our higher
soul-self. So, in the Triune Pattern, the very fact that two-thirds of
our initial make-up was comprised of earth-elements in the form of the
sperm and ovum that spawned our body-vessel -- and our physical body was
then built with elements from the earth which has a consciousness that
is of the earth -- it can be said that while the consciousness that
comprises our physical being has never lived before, it does have a
connection in mind to our higher soul-self from which we inherited our
Spiritual DNA. And since our body-vessel is formed from the (animal)
consciousness of the earth, we must refine, train-up and prevail over
the consciousness of the body to manifest the true being that we are
which is the soul-essence we inherited from our higher soul-self -- in
much the same way that our soul-self inherited the attributes of the
Logos (see ) when it came into being at the Alpha of Time.
In the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, only those seeds that became implanted in the
"good ground" were
able to flourish and multiply one hundredfold in its process of growth
and expansion. Which means that your success in this life is
contingent upon your purification and fertilization of the body-vessel
and associated physical consciousness -- which will make the third-force
seed-essence evolve and expand in accord with the Natural Laws of
Creation. When Paul preached the doctrine of salvation by faith, what
he was affirming is the fact that if you embrace the teachings of the
Gospel so as to create within yourself the environment of the
"good ground" as portrayed in the parable of the
Sower and the Seed, then the Kingdom will come within you as you become transformed into what is allegorically portrayed as the
Final Temple. Since your higher soul-self which is the conscious cumulative manifestation of all the lives that it has ever lived (see )
-- and already knows more than anyone in this world could ever begin to
teach you -- the process of mental growth and development is in the
endeavor of making the body-vessel a fit environment for the higher
soul-self to manifest -- and ultimately, the Logos which exists at the
very core of your Being.
What I am attempting to accomplish in this forum and on the associated
web sites, is to remove the (mental) blockages from the environment of
your body-vessel -- in much the same way that a farmer removes rocks,
roots, weeds and other impurities from the soil -- which permits the
seed-essence to expand and bloom. Gurdjieff stated that the
seed-essence of most people develops to about the age of four or five,
before being flat-lined by the earth-consciousness of the body which he
portrayed as a multitude of false-personalities. Valentinus stated
that nature-man who is ruled over by the earth-consciousness of man's
lower nature which has formed his earthly personality, has no
continuance beyond the grave -- and this is true, because your
seed-essence which is an embryonic image of your higher soul-self, was
suppressed and undeveloped by virtue of the fact that it was
developmentally flat-lined by the ego-self and false-personalities
associated with the physical consciousness of the body-vessel. In the
same way that you don't eat the earth which the plant has grown in,
neither can the soul-self harvest the false-personalities which are of
the earth, when your physical self dies. And what is harvested from any
given life, is what the seed-essence accomplished while in the
body-vessel -- that which is supported by higher soul-reality is
portrayed as the sheep on the Right Hand, while that which remains
carnal and of this world is portrayed as the goats of the Left Hand.
Since the vast majority of people are cultural and their thinking is
earth-bound, the seed-essence never really developed as portrayed by
Gurdjieff and others. And this is the plight of the un-manifest images
in Gospel of Thomas saying 84 (see
Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image).
Since most people are totally ruled over by the earth-consciousness of
the body, it can rightly be stated that they have never lived before --
and yet, their undeveloped essence-self which is an embryonic image of
their higher soul-self is eternal -- and it is this undeveloped
essence-self that survives physical death -- which has always existed.
Thus, quoting from :
At Genesis 2:7, the Wycliffe Commentary writes: “Man's
body was fashioned from the dust of the ground, while his spirit came
from the very ‘breath’ of God. He is literally a creature of two worlds;
both earth and heaven can claim him”.
More importantly, though, is for us to clarify our understanding of
when the soul came into existence. Thus, the Jamieson, Fausset, and
Brown Commentary notes the belief of both the Jews and early Church: “The...
views of Origen and other Fathers, and the... Talmudists, that all
souls had been created ‘in the beginning,’ and were lodged by God in a
certain place, whence each one was taken out to inhabit the respective
bodies of individuals”.
In this respect, it can easily be demonstrated the first followers of
Yeshua firmly believed that the soul pre-existed the body, and that our
present physical forms are mere vessels that we inhabit during our
sojourn in this life. And further: What
was the thinking and mindset of the Jews in the time of Yeshua/Jesus?
In his Antiquity of the Jews, the Jewish historian Josephus, who had
lived among the Essenes, was a contemporary of the man Jesus, and became
an Ebionite, stated that the Essenes: “…resigned
up their souls with great alacrity, as expecting to receive them
again. For their doctrine is this, that bodies are corruptible, and
that the matter they are made of is not permanent; but that the souls
are immortal, and continue for ever; and that they came out of the most
subtle air, and are united to their bodies as to prisons, into which
they are drawn by a certain natural enticement; but that when they are
set free from the bonds of flesh, they then, as released from a long
bondage, rejoice and mount upward...”.
People don't remember the previous lives that their soul-self has lived,
because their consciousness is of the earth -- comprised of the
multitude of false personalities that make up the consciousness of their
physical self -- and as such, they have not only never lived before,
but in their present temporal form, they have no real continuance beyond
the grave. Moreover -- and this is really important to comprehend --
that part of us that is of the earth, inherits the karma of its previous
actions in the previous lives that the soul-self has lived as. So,
when the soul-self generates a soul-image at conception -- and the
consciousness of the body and/or lower nature begins to form out of the
elements of the earth -- the karma belongs more to the
earth-consciousness, than to the soul-image that is more or less a
captive of the body-vessel. Which is why the Essenes portrayed this
life as the soul being
"...united to their bodies as to prisons" -- and because the consciousness of the body is controlled by the lower nature, the illusions of Plato's Cave is the result of the inability of the physical self to perceive beyond an earth-vibrational level of being. Quoting from Science - Religion - The Etheric Field/Mind: Quoting physicist Walter Thirring in his book, Urbausteine der Materie where he wrote about matter that modern physics “...has
put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.
It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the
underlying entity, the field. The presence of matter is merely a
disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something
accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’. Accordingly, there are
no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order
and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”
One of the primary realities that science has to come to terms with in
order to advance beyond their present level, is the fact that physical
matter is the result of the forces in the Etheric Field coming together,
causing what Walter Thirring above describes as a "blemish" that
we observe with our organic physical senses. And what this is, is
Darwinism in reverse -- i.e., modern science has proven that the Field
which is unseen and surrounds all matter, is the Source which impresses
the aspect of mind and consciousness which is represented in the form of
matter that we observe. The problem is that to the organic mind of
both the faith-based believer, as well as the Atheist, what modern
science has proven is simply beyond their ability to even contemplate.
What man calls knowledge, is the wisdom and understanding gained through his study of what Walter Thirring called the "blemish" --
i.e., the illusion of what we perceive as physical matter. Yet,
without understanding the underlying forces in the Field that formed the
blemish that organic man observes as concrete physical matter, it can
be stated that what we observe in the physical world is so incomplete,
that it would be virtually impossible to truly understand what we think
and imagine we see. Reality, states the physicist, can only be found
in the (Etheric) Field -- and it is the Field that both surrounds all
physical forms that we observe with our body-senses, and it is the
unseen Field that is the source of what we perceive with our physical
senses which we call matter. Which again, is reverse Darwinism -- in
that, Darwinism attempted to demonstrate that this physical world came
into being apart from any unseen supernatural forces -- and modern
science has now proven that this world is the direct result of unseen
forces that would be defined as supernatural, or beyond what is seen
with the physical senses.
What is portrayed in the above is a complex paradoxical equation that
few people whose thinking and mindset is ruled over by what we portray
as earth-bound Cave (
Plato's Cave)
Logic possess the depth and capacity to comprehend. How is it that
while your soul has existed from the beginning -- and yet, man can't
remember these previous lives? And it can rightly be stated that he
has never lived before? How is it that while our soul is eternal, the
personality of man does not survive physical death? He does not go to
Glory, as the Christians believe? And neither can his conglomeration
of false-personalities that are very much of the earth and ruled over by
his inherent animal nature, reincarnate into some future life as many
Easterners and New Age believe? The Gospel does not say that if you
walk the broad-way of (self) destruction (see
In The House - Taught In Parables),
that you will be reborn in some future life. Neither does it say that
if you walk the broad-way of (self) destruction, you will go to Glory.
In fact, it is easily demonstrated that the core Christians beliefs in
salvation is a dogmatic lie (see
). What it does say is that you must lose the self that you are in
this world, in order to gain your true self. And it does say that all
events have a pre-existing cause that you have yourself brought about.
And to bring all these biblically portrayed realities together in an
understanding mindset, requires an effort to develop the mind -- which
must be nourished by the higher impressions of your soul-self -- as you
create within yourself the necessary environment of mental growth and
development. With the problem for most people being that the
Condition of the body and physical consciousness will not permit the
development of the seed-essence self -- which renders them completely
incapable of higher comprehension and understanding.
In the Gospel accounts when Jesus healed, he did so by restoring the person to a condition of
holistic healer knows that negative experiences and beliefs create
blockages in the body-vessel which inhibit the flow of vital life-force
-- and the fact that this bio-energy must go someplace, it is lost into
nature through the carnal appetites and expressions of the physical self. What
man portrays as carnal sin, is the result of the loss of the
inheritance (vital life-force) by the prodigal son who is living a "riotous"
lifestyle -- primarily, because his immaturity inhibits his using this
bio-energy to empower his higher areas and spheres of mind and being.
Thus, because he can't utilize the bio-energy, it is squandered away on "things of no meaning"
and higher significance. Proper exercise, and holistic healing such as
Reiki where blockages of energy are released from the body through deep
manipulation, should be an integral part of the process of mental
development. As is such things as yoga which manipulates
and channels the bio-energy of the body -- and many other holistic forms
of healing.
It is easily proven that the original disciples and followers of Jesus were all vegetarian (see
). That the mind and thinking of a flesh-eater is incapable of
comprehending the higher impressions necessary to understand man's soul
and spiritual reality, was proven by the account of Charles Fillmore
(see Fillmore).
The case of Charles Fillmore is important, because as a pillar in the
New Thought movement, Fillmore totally rejected the idea that what you
eat can affect your thinking and ability to comprehend man's higher
spiritual reality. On a purely physical level, of course, when you
eat dead flesh you not only impact the colon and clog up the body with
animal fat and cholesterol, but you also flood the blood stream with
toxic death and the fear-impressions of the slaughtered animal. But
since the colon is the organ that manifests the Foundation sphere of the
Tree of Life, an impacted colon that is filled with hardened
and putrefied dead animal flesh, simply cannot function at
the heightened level necessary to access past-life memories. And this,
in conjunction with the blockages of vital life-force throughout the
rest of the body -- along with the loss of this necessary bio-energy
into nature through carnal appetites and expressions -- does not permit
the seed-essence and/or higher mind to develop -- causing the person to
remain earth-bound in their thinking. And since the cultural
false-personalities of the person has never lived before, such a person
is generally incapable of past-life recall.