
The Ebionites were the Original Disciples of Jesus, who faithfully preserved his teachings of TheWay. They were Spiritual Israel, and could enter in and out of the Inner Kingdom. The Gentiles were too pagan and heathen to comprehend and embrace the teachings of Jesus, and the Church very quickly became corrupted and spiritually disenfranchised. This remains true to this very day.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Reply: Is Marriage Lost? Or Was It Thrown Away By The Church

While I am in total agreement with Josh Craddock's WorldNetDaily article entitled Have Conservatives Lost Same-Sex Marriage Debate? where he states that 65 to 70% of young people see no problem with same sex marriage, the problem is that the Church has literally thrown marriage under the bus -- so to speak.   Why would I make such a profound statement?   After all, it is easily demonstrated that the Church's concept of marriage has been preached from pulpits to the flock of faith-based believers throughout the present cultural transformation that has brought same-sex marriage into the forefront of issues that have been set before both the people and the Courts.   But in throwing away what Jesus portrayed as the Key of Knowledge -- and in failing to seek out the spiritual meaning of the scriptures (see An Inconvenient Truth) -- the young intellectuals who are seeking the answers to their many questions, have been turned away from the essence of the knowledge they seek by the very Church that should be the source of higher knowledge.

An astute Bible student knows that there are countless verses that confirm the position that nothing in this world transpires apart from the Will of God.   And yet, because they have lost their way, the Church hides from this well defined biblical reality in the manner of an ostrich who hides his head in the sand.   Thus, in the issue of same-sex marriage the question that God has presented to the Church is this: Does the faithful flock continue to cling to their blind leaders who have been conquered by their self-imposed ignorance, in order to remain cloaked in a death-shroud of man-made dogma?   And thus, should a person of faith seek to have their mind opened to the higher mysteries of the spirit?   And when this higher knowledge is received, should they not only live in accord with this higher truth -- but also, teach the means of acquiring this truth to their children?   Every day Christians beseech the Lord to bestow upon them a higher understanding of the Gospel -- and when the Lord attempts to answer their prayers, they perpetually reject whatever does not conform to their man-made dogma.   Thus, they have bound themselves within the circle of self-imposed ignorance.

Only a person who lacks the ability to read, is unaware that marriage is a divinely ordained covenant -- to the degree that even looking upon a person who is not your spouse is portrayed as adulterous.  And in the same way that Jesus taught that he who has been given much, the greater will be required -- the fact that Christians don't at all understand why Jesus even made such a warning, means that they are responsible for the immorality of our present culture.   Statistics demonstrate that large numbers of Evangelical Christians are addicted to pornography.   The children of Evangelical Christians see no reason not to hook up in recreational sex.   Yet, there was an important reason not understood by modern Christians as to why Jesus warned that if a man so much as looks upon a woman who is not his wife with lust, that such a man is an adulterer who has been turned out of TheWay.    Moreover, there is an important reason why Paul proclaims that sex with a harlot is a sin against the Temple of God (1 Cor 6:15-20).   There is an important reason why Paul warns that a genuine Christian must not keep company, or even sit at the same table and dine with one who is sexually immoral (1 Cor 5:9-13).   Yet, our sons and daughters are being programmed with the thinking of the most immoral people to walk the face of the earth in our government run institutional schools (see Public Schoolers - How's That Indoctrination Working Out For You?).   If you claim to have faith in the Gospel teachings and the Bible, then why are these teachings totally ignored by the modern Church?   Which has turned a blind eye not only to what the scriptures define as immoral acts, but also the knowledge of why these acts are forbidden in the Gospel.   And that the very Hand of God has raised up and confronted the Church with its own folly and unbelief, is the reason why same-sex marriage has come to pass.

The first mistake of man was when he permitted government to define the spiritual limitations of religion to that of blind faith, meaningless rituals and approved church dogma.   The second mistake was when the Church permitted Caesar to define the Sacred Covenant of Marriage from a purely secular perspective -- where government approved civil hook-ups were ordained as the Sacred Sacrament where the two are transformed into "one flesh".    And from this perspective, the very first Act of the Apostles was the formation of Spiritual Communities -- set apart from the people of this world -- because the essence of the Divine Marriage is the very environment in which the Gospel was intended to be matured and manifest.   And with respect to the Divine Marriage: Faith-based is that condition where the believer keeps the teachings and commandments based upon their faith during that period of their lives that they still lack the spiritual knowledge to understand the reasons why God has Commanded these teachings to be faithfully observed and lived out.   If the alleged believer does not observe and carry out the teachings and commandments associated with their faith, then they are pseudo-believers who only call upon the Name of the Lord with their lips -- while their heart is far from Him.    So if I say to the faith-based believer that if you actually do and live the Commandments and teachings that you will be able to enter the Kingdom and be "taught by God" (John 6:45) -- directly, and in the Presence of the Lord (see The One Teacher/True Prophet) -- then if I attempt to convey to you why God instituted these Commandments -- and why they are imperative to carry out with your wife and husband and children -- why do you condemn the messenger as a heretic for being "taught by God" ?  Or, in the words of Paul: "Have I now become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" (Gal 4:16).

That the Divine Marriage is the spiritually ordained environment that is necessary to bring about the intended objectives of the Gospel Teachings and the next stages of birth, is a reality that the Church has thrown away -- thereby casting the congregation of faith-based believers into a Spiritual Diaspora of Profound Ignorance.   That the Hebrew meaning of Genesis 2:19 where it is written:  "I will make for him a helpmate opposite him..."  -- and that this opposite has a much higher purpose than the propagation of the species, and is not at all understood today -- is the very reason why the Hand of God has raised up the issue of same-sex civil marriage, in order to convict the Christians who call upon the Lord with their lips, while their hearts remain far from the teachings of the Gospel.

It never dawns upon the modern believe that physical conception and birth is merely the pattern for a higher spiritual reality that is nourished by the environment of the Divine Marriage.    And that sex has a higher purpose than the propagation of the species -- and that this higher reality of sex is the reason why Paul commands not to even keep company with one who is sexually immoral.   And in the same way that Dr. Luan Brizendine stated in her book, The Female Mind, that    "There is no unisex brain. Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality..."  -- it never even dawns upon the modern believer that male and female is in fact half of the whole -- that they are opposite because of the polarity of the impressions they generate -- and that within the sanctified environment of the Divine Marriage these impressions are a type of food that nourishes the spiritual embryo on a higher level in its development to bring about the next stage of birth (see Impressions As Food) -- and that the Hand of God has raised up the homosexual and the issue of same-sex civil marriage in judgment of the Church which has totally lost its way -- in much the same way that the Hand of God raised up the Babylonians to bring the Jews into captivity, and the Romans to destroy the Jerusalem Temple.   Because the Christians refuse to live in accord with the Gospel teachings, their children promote same-sex civil marriages, and they too have been cast into the abyss of spiritual ignorance.

Paul warns the congregation of faith-based believers: "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world..." (Col 2:8 NIV)  -- and in total defiance of these words, pseudo-Christians send their children to government schools which program their impressionable young minds with the hedonist immorality of this world.   Ignoring the fact that every tenet of modern day Church dogma is rejected in the New Testament (see The Lie), the Church continues to promote what they know is wrong, in spite of the Gospel teachings.

This reply is also in response to the article by David Kupelian entitled Open Letter To Conservatives Who Back Same-Sex Marriages --  and Don Feder who authored the article If Marriage Is Lost, We Lose Everything.   A person of faith does not have to be ignorant of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God (see Mysteries of the Gospel).   And as an enlightened and faithful servant of the Most High, my own articles are never even considered by such publications as WorldNetDaily, because I am too liberal to be conservative -- too conservative to be liberal -- to enlightened to embrace the man made dogma of the Church -- too spiritual to be of this world -- and too spiritually mature to be viewed as an authority -- and as a voice of Enlightened Reason, I am a shepherd of TheWay who conveys what most people are fearful to even hear.

Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus