
The Ebionites were the Original Disciples of Jesus, who faithfully preserved his teachings of TheWay. They were Spiritual Israel, and could enter in and out of the Inner Kingdom. The Gentiles were too pagan and heathen to comprehend and embrace the teachings of Jesus, and the Church very quickly became corrupted and spiritually disenfranchised. This remains true to this very day.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Unconstitutional Government Intrusion - Spiritual Intuition - Raw Milk

If I was to say that there is an Intuitive Source of Knowledge that when fully developed and matured, is in fact far superior to the wisdom and assumptions of alleged experts, few people would even understand what I was making reference to.   Why?  Largely because of the failure of the Church to support the true practice of religion in all its spiritual depth, and the Feminists to bring acknowledgment of the innate abilities of women.   In a subheading in the article The Three Lies entitled The Womb Of Mother-Earth - Man And Woman - Transformation And Rebirth, I utilize two quotations in my exploration of the nature and reality of man and woman which demonstrates the natural intuitive powers of mind found in many women that are often lacking in their male counterparts.  As stated in conclusion by the authors of the book Brain Sex:  "Women should contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies in the pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity. A woman’s greater imagination can solve intractable problems - be they professional or domestic - at one apparently intuitive stroke."     Yet, it is the failure of the Church to pursue this intuitive domain of women as a spiritual power that is an integral and important element of religion, and the failure of Feminism in pursuit of  "surrogate masculinity" where woman have been subject to the biological lie that they are the same as men.

To no avail the Apostle Paul warned that the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom was beyond the comprehension of organic man in his "natural" state of mind (see Mystery Of The Gospel).   Why?   Among many difficult facts of man's higher reality is that his mind is segmented -- i.e., divided across the spectrum of many dimensions and realms that he does not readily perceive or understand in his organic state of mind.   As an example: When asked, Jesus said that the Kingdom of God will never come upon the earth in the manner that men look for it, because it is "within you" (see http://GateOfEden.com ).   Yet, to their own demise, the reality of the words of Jesus are not at all understood by the faith-based believers.  In like manner, the early Christians who called themselves Orthodox, could not at all comprehend this segmentation of mind, and the fact that there was a difference between the historical man Jesus and the Indwelling Son of God that was often referred to as the True Prophet by the original disciples and followers of Jesus (see True Prophet).   And that man in his organic state of mind was oblivious to the natural segmentation of his own mind -- and totally blind to the Inner Kingdom and the existence of the True Prophet, created the reality that Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see Outer Darkness) -- which parallels what is portrayed in the analogy of Plato's Cave (see Cave).    That it is the objective of the original teachings of TheWay to overcome that barrier between this world and the Inner Kingdom, is not at all understood by the modern faith-based believers.

In man's organic state, one of the more advanced powers of mind that naturally belongs to the domain of the feminine, is the intuitive sense -- and it is this innate ability that is more pronounced in the feminine, that can more easily access the inner Intuitive Source on the other side of the barrier of mind that Jesus portrayed as the Outer Darkness within which organic man dwells.  And because of this more pronounced intuitive power of mind, it can be said that much of feminine unrest is caused by the fact that woman more than man exists between two realms -- i.e., this physical world and a higher spiritual reality that she can more easily intuitively access.   And it is through this intuitive sense that she is able to receive impressions from her own higher soul-reality that is not manifest in the body-vessel or this physical world.   But because her male counterpart does not readily possess this more highly developed intuitive sense -- and he tends to think and view the world in a strictly linear perception and mindset -- the institutions that man creates in most instances automatically dismisses this ultra-important dimension of the feminine mindset.

Journalist Allison Bourg wrote an article entitled Got Any Raw Milk?    And in the same vein, The Washington Times ran a story entitled Mothers Crying Over Raw Milk.   But even more important is the question: Should these women be free to exercise their inherent intuitive aspects of mind to receive impressions and knowledge with respect to the manner in which they choose to live their own lives?   And the fact that government bureaucracies and alleged experts dismiss even the higher reality of an Intuitive Source that they do not have access to, from a Constitutional perspective should not in any manner impede the rights of those who choose raw milk over the highly processed milk found in the supermarkets.   In fact, from a Constitutional perspective, the only power that government can legally exercise, is to insure that those who purchase raw milk are not misled into believing that the milk has been processed in accord with government standards.   Unless the government can demonstrate that a person drinking raw milk is harmful to society at large, then they have no legal standing to intervene in the person's life who wants to drink raw milk over its highly processed product that is available in the typical grocery store.

If the Church was a spiritually valid shepherd to the congregation of believers, then the Christian community would be appalled over this blatant denial of Constitutional Rights by the government.   But the Church has been so alienated from the original Gospel teachings of TheWay by the dogma of carnal men, that the substance of the original teachings are simply beyond their comprehension.   When Jesus taught that there was only One Teacher that all his followers must seek out, he was of course making reference to the True Prophet.   To the degree that the Apostle Peter warned not to trust the wisdom and very limited thinking of the people of this world, and seek only to learn from the True Prophet -- stating: "...therefore great care is to be taken, that when the law of God is read, it be not read according to the understanding of our own mind. For there are many sayings in the divine Scriptures which can be drawn to that sense which every one has preconceived for himself; and this ought not to be done. For you ought not to seek a foreign and extraneous sense, which you have brought from without"  (see quotation in The Spiritual Disenfranchisement Of The Mind).  And when the reality of  the  Outer Darkness and Plato's Cave is understood, what the Apostle states with respect to the true meaning of the scriptures (see An Inconvenient Truth), is also true of the whole of the outer world in which mankind presently dwells.

Why raw milk? It is the God-Given Constitutional Right that a Sovereign People possess, to develop and utilize their inherent and innate intuitive facilities of mind, to receive impressions and knowledge from their inner Source with respect to all aspects of the life that they are living.   That the vast majority of men have alienated themselves from this inner source of being -- that the Church has permitted itself to become spiritually disenfranchised because of its reliance upon the dogma of carnal men -- and that modern Feminists have permitted themselves to be alienated from the powers inherent in their own gender -- does not in any measure give bureaucratic government agencies the right to deny informed citizens their God-Given Right to choose and pursue their own destiny.    And when it is realized that the original followers of Jesus were all vegetarians (see http://TheConsecratedLife.com ) -- and that as such, they would reject the government approved highly processed milk which kills all the beneficial enzymes and nutrients -- by imposing undue restrictions upon the people, what the government is doing is imposing restrictions on the very practice of religion which is protected by the First Amendment.   As a Mystic who has made the journey into the Inner Kingdom and been taught in the Presence of the  True Prophet, there was a great deal of discussion on the transformation of the physical in the endeavor to create within one's self what has been called The Final Temple.   And from this Inner Source, the drinking of processed milk was rejected, and only raw milk was deemed satisfactory.

That many people intuitively recognize the benefits of raw milk, is further confirmation of what I already know to be a fact.    Which means that the question then becomes: Must myself and others be forced to deny what I know to be true, merely because some spiritually disenfranchised bureaucrat is oblivious to spiritual sources of knowledge by virtue of their own carnal thinking and mindset?   And is this what we call the land of the free?   Where sovereign citizens choose their own destiny as they are led to pursue that path?    If, as Jesus taught, the purpose of this life was to seek one's destiny in the Inner Kingdom by walking in TheWay, shouldn't each person have the inherent God-Given Right to choose that destiny -- without undo intervention from purely secular authorities who have no part in that spiritual destiny?   Is this America?   Or is it the old Marxist Soviet Union?  Thus, the question that has been set before the people?    One of the modern fallacies that I have explored in the article TheLie is that of the Marxist idea of Collective Salvation (see Sin No More) is a Gospel fraud -- where I demonstrate conclusively why the Deist framers of our Constitution banned government intervention into the religious and private lives of the people (see Deism).   That government has usurped the Constitutional limits and boundaries, is a detriment to the wellbeing of every American today.

Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Doomsday Prophets - Insanity - Servants Of The AntiChrist

While Doomsday prophets proclaim that they are promoting the Word of God in their End Times predictions, what they are in effect serving is the AntiChrist.   One of the definitions of insanity is of course doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.  And the Doomsday prophets have in every generation for the past 2000 years predicted the End Times -- getting rich off the collection plates and powerful off the fear they promote.   But even worse than this pulpit fraud and misrepresentation of the Gospel message, is the fact that they empower the skeptic, resulting in the complete dismissal of not only religion, but the very existence of God.   If God is the creator of man, then the Church is the creator of the Atheists.

Pseudo-biblical scholar Harold Camping (see Biblical Scholar's Date For Rapture ) and Family Radio have been promoting what they portray as this fraud that has been perpetrated -- and after previous failures, it is now claimed that there is a biblical guarantee that the End Times and Judgment Day will finely arrive on May 21st, 2011.  And to add to the insanity, the group http://WeCanKnow.com and www.eBibleFellowship.com have joined in the delusional fraud.   And when this day, like the countless before it, comes and goes, it will merely represent more fuel on the fire that the scriptures are worthless -- and that God, if He ever existed, is indeed dead.  

Why are those who appear to champion the scriptures in most instances seen as being the most ignorant of what these same scriptures mean?   The answer is simple: Those in the past who empowered themselves through fear-mongering, were the very servants of the AntiChrist who hunted down the true Spiritual Christians in order to silence them.   Lets face it, by agitating the emotions of the people, great wealth and political power can be attained -- and religion is one of the leading factors in controlling people through fear. Thus, in the same way that despotic leaders call their nations the "People's Republic of...." -- pseudo-clergy and tyrannical rulers have traditionally used religion to both get rich, and rule over the people through fear.   

In my recent article entitled Do Conservatives Desire Truth? Historical Facts?   There is a letter to Thomas S. Winter who is the Editor In Chief of Human Events, where I raise and present these questions regarding his article How To Annoy An Atheist.    As I point out, the blind-faith believers empower the skeptic and Atheist who oppose them, with often reasonable facts and truths that remain ignored by the Church today.   And since it is the God-Given gift of Reason that separates man from the beasts of the earth, the fact that the faith-based community of believers not only have no rational answers -- but promote a never ending army of Doomsday Prophets who have been wrong 100% of the time -- has been sufficient to make most people who exercise their God-Given gift of Reason to reject both the scriptures and religion as a hoax and a fraud.   And thus, it is the Churches of blind-faith in the dogma of men who are in fact the servants of the AntiChrist, and apostates to the Gospels.

In answer to men of reason: There was a time when charlatans who portrayed themselves as priests and clergy, were in a position of total secular power and control.     The pseudo-clergy and their secular authorities who empowered them, defined what was acceptable to believe -- and whoever opposed them, was hunted down and murdered in some of the most horrendous ways devised by the most diabolical examples of an intellectually challenged mind.   And in view of the fact that absolute power corrupts absolutely, these charlatans who masqueraded as priests and clergy sought to perpetually silence the true spiritual shepherds who sought to free the people of their shackles of ignorance and superstition.   And this proverbial conflict between what the Essenes portrayed as the Sons of Light and the sons of darkness has existed since the dawn of time itself.   The historical man Jesus was murdered by these charlatans, in much the same way that the biblical authors point out that the modern clergy promote the latter-day crucifixion of Messiah/Christ (see The Lie) in their apostasy to the original gospel message.   And like the wizard's of OZ who stand behind the curtains of deception in order to fool the gullible and naive, they preach the gospel of irrationality to congregations of blind-faith believers who have been intoxicated with the kool-aid of fraud and seduced into ignoring all rational truth and facts.     And thus, the question remains, will a modern form of the Deists who framed our Constitution (see Deist) and brought about an end to the unchecked power of secularized religion, emerge in our present time to put an end to the idea that God wants man to reject the use of his gift of reason, as well as truth and facts.    

In my recent article, Letter To An Atheist - Truth Interrupted, I demonstrate that the critics of blind-faith have in like manner also ignored both the facts and the gift of reason in their own opposition to the Church.   During WWII various codes were developed that enabled communications to be made right under the nose of the enemy.   And when the art of war is understood, such systems have always been in use throughout all the conflicts of man.   But when it is realized that war is not always fought with weapons -- and when it is recognized that those who the Essenes portrayed as the sons of darkness have always worked with the secular governments of this world to suppress the wisdom and knowledge of the Sons of Light, then truly rational and intelligent people must begin to recognize that the scriptures are written in a code that both preserves and conceals the Truth from the perception and understanding of the charlatan clergy and despot rulers who have perpetually hunted them down as heretics -- i.e., enemies of both church and state.     Only when we begin to entertain this rational insight, can it be understood that what the Doomsday Prophets such as Harold Camping have done, is promote the coded text without understanding the true spiritual meaning of the scriptures.

In my article  Letter To An Atheist - Truth Interrupted, I make reference to the most important article drawn from the account of an eye witness as to the manner in which the coded text of the scriptures are composed so as to fool the enemy (see An Inconvenient Truth).   In this article I explain that the massive number of inconsistencies and errors in the scriptures were intentionally inserted into the text, in order to make the intelligent reader seek out the code that reveals the true spiritual meaning that lies concealed beneath the written text which Paul correctly portrayed as the "letter that killeth" (see Mystery Of The Gospel).   And that the code which Jesus referred to as the Key of Knowledge, was necessary to apply to the scriptures in order to ascertain the true meaning which could not be literally written.   I point out that the Church Father Origen portrayed those who throw away the Key of Knowledge to be idiots -- other pre-Nicene Church authorities portrayed them as simpleminded.   In any event, when May 21st comes and goes, rational men of all persuasions should recognize that the dogma of the Church is founded upon a Pagan fraud that was forced upon Christianity by ruthless despotic rulers who hunted down and murdered the Sons of Light who knew the Truth of all Truths -- the absence of which has inhibited mankind from the final step in man's quest to emerge out of the Dark Ages of the past.

When rightly understood, the blind faith-based believers are merely rowers on opposite sides of the same boat which they share with the Atheists -- neither of whom possess any understanding of the scriptures because they each have thrown away what Jesus portrayed as the Key of Knowledge.   But the true victims and collateral damage in the conflict between blind-believers and blind-unbelievers, is the people who have been deprived of the essential knowledge that lies concealed beneath the coded body of the text of the scriptures.   And when it is recognized that the pseudo-intellectuals on both sides of the equation remain absolutely clueless as to the great source of knowledge that the proper use of the Key opens up and reveals to the user, the countless lives of suffering that the prodigal sons and daughters have endured upon the face of the earth, is all the fault of the prevailing cloak of profound ignorance that has consumed mankind who lacks this essential knowledge that lies hidden away as a lost treasure.   

If the world wants peace, true freedom, equality and prosperity for all people  -- along with the ability to truly Know God by walking with their Heavenly Father in the manner that Adam walked in the proverbial Garden of Eden -- then they must seek out this essential knowledge that has been preserved and left to mankind by the Sons of Light, in order to bring about the proverbial End Times within themselves -- in the manner envisioned by the biblical authors who being themselves wise to the art of war, used the sons of darkness as mules to preserve and protect this essential knowledge that has the power to restore the lost prodigal sons and daughters to the Kingdom which they seek to return to (see Gate Of Eden).    You will know them by their fruit -- and when May 21st comes and goes, it will be proof that what is presented in the eye witness account of  An Inconvenient Truth is the knowledge that exposes the charlatans who hide behind the cloak of ignorance and deception.     

Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus