
The Ebionites were the Original Disciples of Jesus, who faithfully preserved his teachings of TheWay. They were Spiritual Israel, and could enter in and out of the Inner Kingdom. The Gentiles were too pagan and heathen to comprehend and embrace the teachings of Jesus, and the Church very quickly became corrupted and spiritually disenfranchised. This remains true to this very day.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Truth About Paul

It is written in the historical records that the original disciples opposed the person today known as Paul.  Yet, when rightfully understood, those today who are attempting to escape the paganism of the Church by rejecting Paul -- in not understanding Paul -- are often making an even graver mistake in their search for Truth and TheWay.

While there are many aspects of the Epistles attributed to Paul that appear anti-Jewish, this is because they were written by a number of different people.   What is written in the Book of Acts, like all of the scriptures, is not at all historical -- but rather, esoteric spiritual truths concealed within an allegorical cloak designed to conceal and preserve these essential truths for those who have their minds opened, and the necessary eyes to see.   But after the Book of Acts was written, a number of Gentiles (some of them spiritually enlightened) claimed to be associated with this Paul who was portrayed in the scriptures.   Some were attempting to warn the Gentile converts not to go in the way of the carnal Jews who Crucified the Christ through their carnal and ritual interpretation of the Law.   And though the majority of the Epistles that were associated with the name Paul has been suppressed and destroyed because they were easily demonstrated to be outlandish frauds, there were some Epistles that were helpful to the Gentiles in their search for Truth and TheWay. The problem was that while all the Epistles attributed to Paul were corrupted by the Church (see http://BibleCorruption.com ) -- an even greater pitfall is seen in the plight of those attempting to embrace Judaism without understanding that Judaism which is an ancient Mystery religion, their fate can be even worse off than that of seeking to understand Paul (see Netzarim & Pseudo-Ebionites - Jewish? Christian? Or Something Else?).   First one has to understand that with respect to Judaism as a surviving Mystery religion, unless you understand the nature of the ancient Mystery religions, then you will very quickly become gravely deceived.  

The original Gospels were written in an attempt to free the people from the enigma of the Mystery religion Judaism.   Because the leaders of the Jews had thrown away what Jesus portrayed as the Key of Knowledge, they were ritualizing in the outer physical what they should have been practicing within their body and mind.   And thus, the people were being led by blind guides who in Jesus' words, made them twice the children of hell than before they were converted.   And thus the problem which continues today, is seen in the fact that because the counterfeit shepherds of the Church neither understood the inner spiritual meaning of the Law -- and like their Jewish predecessors, they too threw away the Key of Knowledge -- the modern Christian is even more deceived than was the people who were led by the Pharisees in the time of Jesus.   

In our present day there is only one source of wisdom written from the perspective of the original authors of the scriptures -- and what is presented in this article is appropriately called An Inconvenient Truth.  And unless you come to understand the nature and reality of the scriptures FROM THE PERCEPTION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE AUTHORS -- then you will be greatly misguided and deceived by the enigma of the written words of the text.   In fact, it is interesting to note that the Apostle Peter portrayed the written text of the scriptures as the "books with the power to deceive" (see Books) -- and the article  An Inconvenient Truth, is the only source that is actually written from the perspective of the original authors -- and why they composed the scriptures in the allegorical manner that they did.  

In the same way that the people who attempt to read the scriptures neither understand Paul (see The Gnostic Paul) -- or what can be called The Secret Doctrine of the Original Church which itself is a great enigma to the modern believers -- neither do they understand the authors of the Gospels, or the Torah and other OT scriptures.   Therefore, it is important for the modern believer to understand why Paul was against a ritual observance of the Torah, as was being practiced by the carnal Jews.

In the first place, the warning is made by many of the original authors that it is impossible for man in his organic natural condition of mind to comprehend his own higher soul and spiritual reality (see Mystery Of The Gospel).  That modern Christians fail to take heed of this important warning, is perhaps one of the paramount elements in their own spiritual demise.   Ignorance is not bliss -- and what is written literally in the written text of the scriptures, is designed as both a cloak to conceal the inner spiritual meaning, as well as a guide for entry-level believers to begin the process of bringing about spiritual maturity.   And thus, the folly of the Jews who threw away the Key of Knowledge, is demonstrated in the AskMoses.com portrayal of the Final Temple (see http://TheThreeLies.com#temple ).  And because the vast majority of Jews did not at all understand their own scriptures -- and continued to observe the Torah in ritual and the traditions of men -- it would have been a spiritual detriment to convert the Gentiles to (ritual) Torah observance, in contradistinction to walking a more spiritual path that would provide them a more direct access to the Kingdom within (see http://GateOfEden.com ).      

Modern day seekers have been terribly disadvantaged by the fact that more pure scriptures existed in the first three centuries of our Common Era (see http://Ebionite.com/PureScriptures.htm ).   And even in the written word, much wisdom could be read that is not available today.   The original Gospels portrayed Yeshua/Jesus as a man who became the Anointed (see http://TheTenWords.com ) -- and as you can readily see at http://TheLie.org , Paul in no manner subscribed to the dogma that is being promoted in a misunderstanding of the Epistles attributed to him.   And if you can demonstrate these facts to the people, then there is a chance that they will begin to sincerely seek Truth and the Kingdom.   The fact that the modern Church does not at all embrace the actual teachings of Paul's Epistles, and neither do they possess any real understanding of the Gospels, confirms the fact that the pagan dogma of the Church has spiritually disenfranchised them from the Kingdom.

Many well-meaning Christians who have become aware of the paganism of Rome, have themselves been seduced into following a quasi-Jewish path which can be found and explored at http://BrotherOfYeshua.com/Netzarim.htm .   But for the most part, they are merely trading one error for another.   Further, most people who teach Kabbalah, are more New Age than anything else -- and they too throw out the Key of Knowledge in their cosmic interpretations of the Tree of Life

The fact that the modern Christians have totally dogmatized the faith vs ritual observances of Paul, without understanding Paul's open condemnation of using Jesus in the pagan manner as a sacrifice to continue to live in sin (see http://TheLie.org ), which is totally rejected in the same Epistles attributed to Paul -- is responsible for the present day war against the Church which is brining about its demise.   You can't be faithful to the Gospel, and attempt to use Jesus as a pagan sacrifice to provide you a license to live in accord with the thinking, mindset and lifestyle of this world and its culture.   And the fact that the modern Church bases this spiritual folly on one misunderstood statement of Paul, while rejecting the greater substance of what Paul taught, is representative of the total demise of the modern Church.

It is a total rejection of the Gospel teachings to ignore Jesus' statement that not a single jot or tittle of the Law will be done away with, because Paul stated that salvation is through faith instead of a carnal ritual observance of the Law -- while at the same time ignoring Paul's warnings that those who continue to sin after coming to the knowledge of the Truth and TheWay, are apostates to the Gospel and the Kingdom who "...crucify the Son of God on their own account and hold him up to contempt" (see http://TheLie.org ).   And it is this apostasy that is destroying the modern Church, as well as the spiritual essence of America and the Constitutional declaration of UnAlienable God-Given Rights.  Thus, because of ignorance, spiritual complacency, and counterfeit shepherds who are guiding the people into the abyss of suffering and despair.

Brother of Yeshua/Jesus

Saturday, December 18, 2010

An Inconvenient Truth

 While many people today hold almost countless opinions as to what the scriptures are, the vast majority overlook the most important part of the equation -- i.e., they are what the original authors intended them to be.   Because both modern believers and critics all fail to understand the nature of the scriptures from the vision of the original authors, the scriptures remain a perpetual enigma to all who open them.   The bottom line is that it makes little difference as to what YOU believe the nature of the scriptures are, if you fail to understand the sacred writings from the same perception and understanding as the original authors who composed them.   From the perspective of a long ignored reality there are a number of important points that each person must come to terms with:   (1) In the first place, the scriptures are not historical narratives -- and when understood within their original context, they possess virtually little to no historical value whatsoever.  (2) Secondly, they are composed by mystics who would be deemed heretics if they spoke openly what they knew and witnessed as truth -- and even then, most of these very same mystics have been perpetually hunted down and murdered.  (3) The authors of the scriptures were Gnostics -- and the true meaning of the word Gnosis (see Gnosis) which was declared to be heresy by the Church of Rome, is the Divine Manna or Knowledge of the Kingdom which can only be revealed directly from God to those who could receive it -- and the primary objective of the scriptures is to conceal and preserve esoteric truths for fellow Gnostics in both the present, and even more importantly in the future.  (4) The objective of Mysticism is to circumvent the very limited knowledge of this world, and position themselves to receive Gnosis (Spiritual Knowledge) from God -- and all true mystics and Gnostics must understand the evolution of the soul over the course of many lifetimes.    While it is true that we were all Created equal -- equal is not the same -- and each of us is the product of our past experiences that have develop us since the very dawn of Creation itself.   What this means is that the mystic authors write what man calls scriptures, so that when their souls return to this world, the sacred writings will be preserved for them to renew and restore their spirituality, so they can continue their soul-journey from where they left off.  (5) This last primary requirement means that they must compose the body of the scriptures in such a way, that the carnal people of this world whose thinking, mindset and lifestyle remain under the control of what Jesus portrayed as the Citizen of this world (The Far Country), will unknowingly preserve the sacred writings.   Thus, out of necessity, the Gnostic/Mystic uses the blind ignorance of the common people who remain entangled in the "outer darkness" (see Outer Darkness), to act as a (drug) mule or unwitting carrier -- and this is necessary because the Citizen of the Far Country (aka the god of this world) would induce the people under his control to destroy and/or corrupt the scriptures.  (6) It is therefore important to recognize that the biblical authors were correct in their assertion that the people of this world who remain under the dominion of the Citizen of the Far County, cannot understand the higher reality of the soul and what Jesus portrayed as the (esoteric) knowledge of the Kingdom of God -- which Paul openly states they will reject as utter "foolishness" (see Mystery Of The Gospel).   (7) In view of the fact that the carnal people -- even those who are baptized and committed believers -- can't utilize the esoteric knowledge -- this inability to understand along with the threat of annihilation because of the charge of heresy, forces the authors of the scriptures to act in a way not at all understood by the congregation of believers.   In the example of Paul who references himself as an ambassador in bonds who cannot speak about what he knows openly -- openly warning the congregation of believers that he had himself taught, that if he did in fact speak to them openly about the Spiritual Gospel, they would reject what he said as utter "foolishness" (see Mystery Of The Gospel).    Further, Paul explains that because it was declared from On High to be "unlawful" to reveal to the faith-based believers the Spiritual Gospel of Christ and the Mysteries of the Kingdom (see Gnostic Spiritual Dilemma), there are two doctrines -- i.e., one for the immature congregation of believers who are incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom -- and the other which can only be spiritually received directly from the Mind of God (Logos/Son Of God/True Prophet). GoTo Full Article
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