Is Gnosis Concealed?
The Ebionites were the Original Disciples of Jesus, who faithfully preserved his teachings of TheWay. They were Spiritual Israel, and could enter in and out of the Inner Kingdom. The Gentiles were too pagan and heathen to comprehend and embrace the teachings of Jesus, and the Church very quickly became corrupted and spiritually disenfranchised. This remains true to this very day.
On the Messiah Truth discussion forum which asked the question: xianity all false or some false -- I posted the following:
Both the Torah and the New Testaments are an allegory which portray the seekers blueprint of body, mind/soul and spirit -- providing the means to evolve the understanding to enter the inner Kingdom which is the primary objective of all religions. I see that Mr. Tate mentioned reincarnation -- and as the soul who lived as Jacob/Ya'kov who people call James, the Brother of Yeshua who people call Jesus ( ), Yeshua was a man who fulfilled the Law within himself, as detailed on the web site ( ). That it is acknowledge in that the Final Temple is spiritual (see ) -- and that the historical Yeshua inaugurated this Spiritual Temple that all people must bring about within themselves -- is the purpose of the teachings of Yeshua and TheWay. That Jews, Christians and Muslims are all fundamentally ignorant of the meaning of their own scriptures -- while they continue to find fault for the blindness of others -- invokes the Laws that inhibit them from understanding the essence of their own religion.
The moderator of the forum who calls herself Sophie, deleted the above reply to the question. It was said of the Ebionites who represented the true teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and TheWay that they were “…rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics” (Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, v.1, p.416) -- and this remains true to this very day with respect to the Truth -- i.e., those who know the Truth are …rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics”. To Moshe Shumlman, a Chasidic Jew, Rabbi, and leader of the Messiah Truth Project, I sent the following e-mail in response to the deletion of the above:
Shalom Rabbi Moshe Shulman:
On your forum which asks the question: xianity all false or some false (see ), my reply under the ID of Nazirene was deleted by your moderator Sophiee1. You can view my reply that was deleted at this bookmarked link which I have created to make my reply permanent (see ). I am also going to place a copy of this e-mail at this link, as well as on the Brother Of Yeshua Blogg at . As stated in the Kabbalah: "Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world..." (see ). The soul who lived as the historical Yeshua who people call Jesus, said the exact same thing -- I know, because I was there as Ya'kov his brother. And in truth, Judaism is in reality an ancient Mystery religion -- in the Mystery religion traditions -- that has survived where the others have passed on, largely because of the corruptions of first Christianity, and then Islam, which kept Judaism alive. But the greater problem with Judaism -- which is true of all Mystery religions -- is seen in the fact that only the initiates into the Mystery religion have any clue as to the true meaning of the scriptures. To the degree that what the Kabbalah states is true, and those who see only the written word which the Gnostic Paul called the "letter that killeth" (see ), is depriving countless Jews of the opportunity to attain even a "...portion in the next world...". And the fact that the Christians are more or less in the same boat as the Jews, does not in any manner negate the problem from a purely Jewish perspective. As demonstrated in the article on The Law and TheWay (see ), the outer forms of the Torah are merely older elements of paganism that was practiced at the time these texts were written. So which form of paganism you choose -- either Judaism or Christianity -- really doesn't matter -- because only Truth and TheWay matter when your soul is finished with the learning experience of this present life. As Ya'kov, the soul who lived as the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus, I am in fact more responsible for the creation of what came to be in its corrupted form Christianity, than was the soul who lived as the historical Yeshua. Why? Because I composed the original scriptures in Hebrew Characters (see ) -- and the initial set of scriptures were actually composed even before the staged crucifixion of Yeshua. And this does not in any manner negate all that Yeshua accomplished in totally fulfilling the Law within himself (see ) -- but the primary objective of these teachings was to free the people from the shackles of a Mystery religion that like the Pagan Church of Rome which called itself Christian, had become corrupt and was leading the people in the wrong direction. And while not understood by the vast majority of Jews and Christians, this fact is admitted in the answer to the Final Temple (see ). In the same way that G-d, in His Infinite Wisdom and Compassion, desired to free the common Jews from the corruption of it's carnal leaders, the fact that the teachings of Yeshua and TheWay became corrupted, as you point out, is typical of the folly of mankind. And when the Ebionite teachings were corrupted by the Church of Rome, there was another attempt by the historical Mohammed to restore the truth -- but alas, human nature very quickly corrupted these teachings also. Over the past 100 years I can document step by step where once again the Hand of G-d has moved the Laws to restore the Truth. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Library was of primary importance. Interesting enough, the Dead Sea Scrolls were first placed under the control of the Christians who attempted to conceal what they revealed -- but the control of the scrolls was then placed in the hands of the Jews after the 1967 war. What was the significance of the discovery? Biblical scholars such as A. Powell Davies warned the Christian world that discoveries such as the Dead Sea Scrolls had confirmed what they had believed all along -- that the Roman Church created the divinity of Yeshua/Jesus -- i.e., “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls). Worse yet, Edmund Wilson, an expert who worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls further raised the question as to what difference it makes if “Jesus... had been trained in the discipline and imbued with the thought of a certain Jewish sect, and that he had learned from it the role that he afterwards lived...” (The Scrolls From The Dead Sea). To the uninformed and unknowing believer, it made all the difference in the world! If Yeshua was an Essene who lived a holy and consecrated life, fulfilling the Law within himself so completely, that he became One with the Logos/Son of God at his baptism as stated by all Church Authorities prior to the fourth century Nicene Council held by the Roman Emperor Constantine (see The Ten Words), then the Adam Clark Bible Commentary is correct when it states that "...the whole Christian system is vain and baseless"!!! When Prof. John Allegro was quoted as saying that what has been revealed in the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is a great amount of overwhelming evidence that “...may upset a great many basic teachings of the Christian Church. This in turn would greatly upset many Christian Theologians and believers. The heart of the matter is, in fact, the source and originality of Christian doctrine” (August 1966 issue of Harpers Magazine); what he was in fact stating is that, everything that we now know about Christian beginnings demonstrate that the Essene/Ebionites were not the heretics, as they were falsely portrayed by the later Gentile church, but were in fact the body of genuine believers that held fast to the authentic teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and the New Covenant. The problem is that in the same way that the Roman idolatry of the historical Yeshua as a pagan sacrifice is an abomination that is best portrayed as a Christian "...system [that] is vain and baseless", the same is true of those who see only the written text of the body of the Torah in the manner of the vast majority of Judaism. And this fact is confirmed by your own Jewish Mystics who warned that those who see only the text because they are carnal, and have yet to transform their body-vessel into a Living and Consecrated Temple, have not even a "...portion in the next world...". And if what I am saying to you seems outrageous, in closing I shouldn't have to portray the higher realities of the soul to a Chasidic rabbi such as yourself. Quoting
from The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, under the heading of Souls, Transmigration of: “The doctrine of transmigration of souls, which was especially accepted by the Karaites… is generally attacked by Jewish philosophers, but is defended by Isaac Abravanel and Manasseh ben Israel. It appears often in Cabala; it is found in organized form in the Zohar, it is further developed in the teachings of Isaac Luria (1534-1572), and in Hasidism it becomes a universal belief. According to these teachings, all human souls have a common origin in the spiritual unity of the primordial man, sparks of which form the individual souls... The sin of Adam brought higher and lower souls into confusion; as a result, every soul has to pass through a series of incarnations... The soul itself has no sex, which is determined by the body and may vary from incarnation to incarnation”. In the Zohar it is written that: “All souls are subject to the trials of transmigration; and men do not know the designs of the Most High with regard to them… The souls must re-enter the absolute substance whence they have emerged. But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfections, the germ of which is planted in them; and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so forth, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God”. This reunion with God is the rebirth that was spoken of by Yeshua to the Pharisee Nicodemus, “a ruler of the Jews”. The reality of this world is that even when you are right, you are more often than not also wrong. While it is true that Christianity has been paganized under Rome, it is also true that the outward rituals of Judaism was also of pagan origin, and the teachings of Yeshua and TheWay was intended to free the Jews from the shackles of ignorance of the Mystery religion that few understood the true meaning of. Like yourself, on the web site the Light of Yeshua ( ), I discourage Jews from embracing the Messianic movement which wraps traditional Roman Paganism in a counterfeit Jewish facade. But where I offer the reader the true spiritual essence of both Judaism and Christianity, what your site as Messiah Truth is serving up is more Mystery religion carnal interpretations of the "letter that killeth". And this surprises me in view of the fact that you are a Hasidic rabbi, and yet you are so ignorant of the true meaning of the scriptures. If you want my insights into your own more distant past: In previous lives you were one of the Christians who persecuted Jews, and you have been yourself returned to the earth in the form of the very people you persecuted. In the more distant future you can expect someone such as Yasser Arafat to be born a leader among the Jews, and oppose Islam in much the same manner as you are opposing Christianity. That the vast majority of Jews do not even want to know truth unless it also is wrapped in a ritual Jewish prayer shawl -- and that the Jewish people will themselves reject the knowledge of the Truth when it is offered to them, is easily demonstrated by still another similar instance when the key to understanding the dilemma of life was presented to them. Why does G-d permit bad things to happen to seemingly good people? In much the same manner that the Americans became outraged when Jerry Falwell affirmed the biblical doctrine that all evil in the world is the result of sin, many of the mainstream Reform and Conservative Jews were angered when Rabbi Ovadia Yosefan, the former chief rabbi of Israel, a religious scholar who was also the spiritual leader of the Shas party, recently made the statement that no innocent Jews died in the Holocaust. What Rabbi Yosefan said was that the 6 million Holocaust victims "were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done.” Rabbi Yosefan explained that these souls who had previously lived lives of sin, “…had been reincarnated in order to atone” for their own misdeeds in a previous life. Immediately, all sectors of the population -- from then Prime Minister Barak, to the Holocaust survivors -- condemned the rabbi's remarks. In a communiqué issued from his office, Barak stated: “His words are liable to harm the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust and are liable to hurt the feelings of their families and the feelings of the entire nation.” Thus we must ask the question: Putting feelings aside, what is the ramifications with respect to our vision of life if Rabbi Yosefan is correct in his assessment of the Holocaust victims? Legislator Yosef (Tommy) Lapid, who was himself a Holocaust survivor who heads the secularist Shinui party, condemned Rabbi Yosef’s statements and said he was “… in effect confirming what Hitler said, that the Jews are sinners.” While the case can easily be made that both Hitler and Osama bin Laden were evil men -- and even satanic -- what if the allegations of each did possess an element of truth that each of us should consider before we automatically agree with the condemnations raised by our politically correct media?
As could be expected, Holocaust organizations and the two main Israeli radio stations reported that they were inundated with phone calls and fax messages, most of them criticizing Yosef's statement. The Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum labeled Yosef's remarks “miserable”, and said they “seriously harm the memory of the victims.” In a released statement the museum said: “With all due respect to such a leader, it's hard to understand where Rabbi Yosef gets the courage to explain the intentions and ways of the Supreme Authority.” Attempting to clarify his words in the following week to a populace that not only did not comprehend, but had little desire to understand one of the foremost and paramount teachings of not only both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, but also the Qu'ran, Rabbi Yosef cited a 16th century Jewish mystic, Isaac Luria, who wrote: “If the soul was not purified entirely the first time, and it left this world, that soul must come back in a reincarnation, even a few times, until it is entirely purified.” What Isaaic Luria did not say, was that some lives the soul is born as a Jew, as a Christian, and everything else under the sun -- and often in the form of what it judged and persecuted. And from this perspective, what Rabbi Yosef stated was that all those Jews who died at the hands of Hitler, were merely reaping their own debts they had themselves committed in a previous life! What the Rabbi suggested was even though we may appear to be the innocent victim in this present life, this was not always the case -- and each of us inherits both the good and the evil that we have personally and collectively engendered in the previous existences our soul has lived prior to our being born into the present life we are now living -- as so clearly stated in the words of the Church Father Origen when he wrote: “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis).
While the people became outraged over the words of Rabbi Yosef with respect to his assertion that the Jews who died at the hands of Hitler were souls who had entered that life in order to atone for sins committed in a previous life -- and the Jews who were outraged quickly came to the defense of their fellow Jews who tragically died as victims of the holocaust -- in their condemnation of this very clearly defined biblical doctrine, these outraged Jews many very well have defended souls who committed these sins in lives when they were not even Jews. If they had studied the writings of their own Jewish mystics such as Isaac Luria, they would have also encountered the teaching that each of us not only must atone for our debts and sins against our fellow man, but we actually become what we ourselves have judged and condemned. What this means is that the present-day conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians will not only continue into future lives, but that those souls who are presently Jews many find themselves Palestinians in the future, and those who are now Palestinians will in like manner be born into lives as Jews. In like manner, people such as yourself who in the past were Christian persecutors of Jews, now find yourself on the opposite side of the fence.
Where does such ideas as this originate from? In the case of Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572), he was renowned as the greatest of the Jewish sages, and was often referred to as “the Godly”. It was said that at times, Elijah revealed himself to Isaac Luria in order to teach him the wisdom of the scriptures, and that every night his soul ascended to heaven, escorted by angels asking which heavenly academy he wanted to visit. Isaac Luria was no ordinary Jew -- having been born in Jerusalem, and by the time he was eight, he was recognized as a wonder child -- i.e., a prodigy who already outshone the greatest of Jewish minds of Jerusalem. It is said that he reached the highest levels of holiness and became enlightened to the Mysteries of God after spending fifteen years in a state of prayer and meditation -- returning home only just before dark in order to observe the Sabbath with his family. When modern Jews, therefore, became outraged over the statement of Rabbi Yosef, what they did was turn against the very core and essence of Jewish thought and teachings. Thus, the common message that Rabbi Yosef proclaimed, was the great biblically defined truth that what goes around comes around: “Even as I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same” (Job 4:8 NKJ); “Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies” (Prov 1:31 NKJ); “But you have planted wickedness, you have reaped evil, you have eaten the fruit of deception” (Hosea 10:13 NIV); “God will give to each person according to what he has done” (Rom 2:6 NIV); “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life” (Gal 6:7-8 NIV); “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ); “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man” (Gen 9:6 NIV); “His disciples asked him [Jesus], Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” (Jn 9:2 NIV). What these biblical passages confirm is the reality of Rabbi Yosef’s statement with regard to the great truth that the sin of each of us will come back upon us at some time in the future. But Rabbi Yosef only repeated what the historical Yeshua taught before him. That the vast majority of Jews can't accept or see the great wisdom in the words of Yeshua, is because they can't understand the wisdom of their own Jewish Mystics such as Rabbi Isaac Luria. And that your own moderator deleted my reply, is predictable. That Jews, Christians and Muslims all despise and hide their eyes from the Truth, is the very cause of the violence and conflict that consumes much of Israel and the world today. But G-d will have the final word, as each of you is returned to this life in the form of what you have yourselves persecuted and judge without the eyes that see the Truth and TheWay.
G-dSpeed in TheWay,
The soul who lived as Ya'kov,
Brother of Yeshua