
The Ebionites were the Original Disciples of Jesus, who faithfully preserved his teachings of TheWay. They were Spiritual Israel, and could enter in and out of the Inner Kingdom. The Gentiles were too pagan and heathen to comprehend and embrace the teachings of Jesus, and the Church very quickly became corrupted and spiritually disenfranchised. This remains true to this very day.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Gospel Of Paul

If modern Christians truly understood the Gospel message that was preached by Paul to the Gentiles with any depth of comprehension, then the Congregation of Christians would be hailed as the most enlightened guides, shepherds and teachers that the world has ever known.   Scholars the world over would come to acquire the Wisdom which they would convey to sincere seekers.   They would be invited to come and speak to large groups of students who are themselves seeking knowledge of all the wonders of the universe.

Paul states of the congregation of Christians which he, himself, taught the "testimony of Christ", that they were yet too immature to even begin to grasp the higher reality of the soul and what Paul called the Mysteries of the Kingdom -- which Paul warns that in their immature state of developmental mind and thinking, they would reject as utter "foolishness". (see Mystery).    Paul in fact portrays the congregation of Christians who he spoke of as having received all the gifts of the spirit such as speaking in tongues and the layiing on of healing hands, as a people who were "babes in Christ" -- too carnal in their understanding to comprehend anything beyond the most elementary Gospel concepts.    And Paul states that as they begin to mature, that Christ will be formed in them, and they will see and understand all the Mysteries of life and Creation.   But this Gospel Destiny was interrupted and obstructed from being brought about, when the Gospel was abducted by Pagan Rome.   Resulting in a type of latter-day Pharisees -- wherein, after the Church threw away the Key of Knowledge in the manner of the carnal Jews who he portrayed as the offspring of the Devil (see The Left Hand Of God), the Christian world became totally alienated from reacquiring this sacred knowledge, and restoring the true potential of the Gospel within them.

What inhibits the Christian world from attaining to their true ultimate Destiny?   Christians can be compared to an abducted rape victim who has not only befriended the rapist who has kept her captive, but has agreed to bear his children.   Not only do they continue to cling to manmade doctrines of belief that were forcefully imposed upon the Church by a series of Roman Emperors -- beliefs that can easily be proven wrong in a mere ten minutes of reading time (see Christian Reincarnation) -- but they fail to comprehend even the very spiritual foundation of the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay.   Wherein, the Christians should be the very mystic visionaries who are so enlightened to the Truth and the Kingdom, that the whole world seeks them out as wise men and women who release them from their burdens of life in this world, and guide them into the joys of the Kingdom.

Brother Of Yeshua


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