
The Ebionites were the Original Disciples of Jesus, who faithfully preserved his teachings of TheWay. They were Spiritual Israel, and could enter in and out of the Inner Kingdom. The Gentiles were too pagan and heathen to comprehend and embrace the teachings of Jesus, and the Church very quickly became corrupted and spiritually disenfranchised. This remains true to this very day.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why Is There Evil?

Why is there evil in the world? Marxists, Secular Progressives, Socialists and Communists -- all of whom make up the Left Wing and majority of Atheists -- all proclaim their disbelief in God, because they reason that God would not permit the evil in this world to continue. Yet, the folly of the Left Wing is seen in the fact that God does not want man in his organic state of mind to know the truth -- and this is outlined at Divine Strategery. And, as with the word strategery itself, all of Creation has been designed to remain ignorant of the objectives of God. In the recent Blog article entitled: If You Bear His Name, But Not Possess His Power, the reality is explored that "...to ordinary mortals. A hidden or secret thing, not obvious to the understanding" -- and, "...spiritual understanding is restricted to those who have become spiritual...”.

At Divine Strategery, this world is portrayed as God's School House for the lost prodigal sons who are His offspring. And in the same way that if all school children were provided an answer key that would permit them to artificially score a hundred percent on their tests, that the whole structure and purpose of the educational system would be undermined and defeated, Divine Strategery inhibits man from the knowledge of the truth, until which time he has earned that knowledge. It does not matter in the least that ignorant men denounce God. Man's words are little more than mere dust in the wind. There is a higher purpose here at work, that takes precedence over man's meaningless rejection of God. The Laws that control the experiences and all interactions and realities of this world (see The Laws), are designed and imbued with the power to perfect mankind by confronting him with the fruit of his own actions. This is presented in the Bible in the words: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows" (Gal 6:7 NIV) -- and while right wing conservatives don't understand the reality of these words, the left wing unbelievers are more often than not, the victims of their own actions. Jesus portrayed those who permit themselves to become shackled by their own more distant past as being in a type of prison (see The Prison). Which means that when the Laws are properly understood, what man perceives as evil in the world, is merely The Laws returning to each person the fruit of their own ways. But the true tragedy that imprisons those who dwell in ignorance of the Laws, is the fact that the vast majority of people are the victims of what would be portrayed as those who inherit the fruit of the secondary Laws. What is secondary Laws? When Rabbi Ovadia Yosefan said that the 6 million Holocaust victims "were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done.” Rabbi Yosefan explained that these souls who had previously lived lives of sin, “…had been reincarnated in order to atone” (see Chickens Come Home To Roost), for what he was expressing to the people was the reality of the Laws that perfect each soul by returning to them the fruit of their own past.

These Laws are important to understand if one is to possess the freewill to pursue a higher understanding of life, and to understand the nature of what the secular left portrays as the evil of this world that is proof that God does not exist. And perhaps a prime example of how man entraps himself in The Prison that Jesus made note of, is seen in the nation of Sweden. An equally important teaching with respect to the Laws is the warning: "He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ). Thus, we must ask: What is the result of the case explored in the WorldNetDaily.com article entitled: State takes custody of 7-year-old over homeschooling. Will just those who have abused their political power and removed this young child from his family become imprisoned by the fruit of their actions? Or, will a great number of the residents of the nation of Sweden inherit the same fate, as did many of the Jews who inherited the fate of their leaders who suffered in the Holocaust?

This case is even more interesting because the mother, Annie Johansson is of Indian nationality, and her, her husband and son, were merely moving to India to be near her family. Government agents "abducted" the 7-year-old child, as they were about to board an airplane. Which actions by the state to deny the Johansson's their fundamental God-Given human Rights, invokes the Laws as portrayed in the words: "He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity". But this is not the whole story. Those Swedes who fail to speak out against this abomination of human rights of their government representatives, will inherit the wrath of the secondary Laws which Jesus warns will imprison the government agents who abused their position to abduct a child and remove him from the care of his parents.

That both Jesus and the Church originally taught that the soul is perfected over the course of many lifetimes, can be easily proven on the web site http://ChristianReincarnation.org. And that this higher spiritual reality that has the effect of perfecting the soul was removed and outlawed by a series of Roman Emperors who found it objectionable for them to receive the fruit of their own actions, does not negate either the Laws or the effect of those Laws on each person's life -- regardless of what they philosophically choose to believe. And that all the people of Sweden who fail to demand that the Johansson's son be immediately returned, will secondarily inherit the fate of those who abducted Dominic Johansson off the India bound plane, represents a perfect example of why there is evil in the world.

People have suffered greatly and have been routinely imprisoned and murdered under Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba over the course of the last 50 years. As a practice, Castro removes the children from the home at about the same age as Dominic Johansson, and brainwashes them in government institutions where they live separate and apart from their family. And if we pose the question: Why does God permit such evil and suffering that takes place on mainland Cuba -- to the degree, that people abandon the island on makeshift rafts in their quest to escape this left wing insanity run a muck -- in the future we can very well see the people of Sweden inherit the same fate as the Cuban people have in our present time. Thus, by inheriting the fruit of their own ways, the people of Sweden will learn the lessons of enslavement and having their children removed for the express purpose of putting them through the process of mind-programming to secure their allegiance to corrupt state rule where such concepts and realities of God-Given Unalienable Rights simply do not exist. And perhaps the greatest tragedy that is in the process of being brought about, is seen in the fact that many Americans are following in the footsteps of the Swedes -- and they are willingly surrendering their inheritance that wise men and women died to secure for them. Where the folly of their complacent thinking is seen in their idea that their struggles are limited to this one life, they will be horrified when they are confronted with the reality that the Church has long suppressed with respect to the teaching of Jesus and the scriptures, that each man inherits the fruit of their own past actions. Those who are complacent to evil, become consumed by the very evil they closed their eyes to in the life of their brothers and sisters who suffer at the hands of the evil that men wrought upon each other. As you do unto your brother or sister -- or permit to be done to them -- will be returned back upon you -- and this is indeed "...the patience and the faith of the saints” (Rev 13:9-10 NKJ).

Brother Of Yeshua


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