
The Ebionites were the Original Disciples of Jesus, who faithfully preserved his teachings of TheWay. They were Spiritual Israel, and could enter in and out of the Inner Kingdom. The Gentiles were too pagan and heathen to comprehend and embrace the teachings of Jesus, and the Church very quickly became corrupted and spiritually disenfranchised. This remains true to this very day.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Folly Of Evangelist Bill Keller

While Evangelist Bill Keller's beliefs have very little in common with the original teachings of Jesus and his Ebionite Nazirene Disciples of TheWay, that does not mean that Bill Keller is wrong about Barack Obama not being a Christian (see cwNewz). Further, if the Church itself possessed the eyes to see, they would immediately be appalled at the prospect that Barack Obama is in fact the quintessential example of the reality that: Just because a person appears to come to Christ, that does not make their proclamation true -- and this is further the reality of the vast majority of modern-day believers who call themselves Christian. Thus, in the reflected image of Barack Obama, Evangelist Christians have seen a picture of themselves and the folly of their Church doctrines. In the same way that Barack Obama has nothing in common with the genuine religion of Jesus, the modern Church is the perfect (spiritually destructive) storm that is the embodiment of spiritual apostasy and the absolute denial of Messiah/Christ. Thus, while the Evangelists who reject Barack Obama are not wrong, the truth of the matter is seen in the fact that those who judge him have yet to remove the beam from their own eyes -- and are in fact the very apostate blind leaders who guide the flock into the proverbial ditch of the abyss of spiritual ignorance where the Church continues to grovel to this very day. In the same way that the Black Liberation Theology of Jeremiah Wright to which Obama was converted (see Jeremiah Wright) has absolutely nothing in common with the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, the same is true with respect to the doctrines of the modern Church which are drawn from the theology of Martin Luther (see Luther). And while Bill Keller is correct in his assertion that Barack Obama has no part in the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, what Bill Keller fails to see is that the modern spiritually disenfranchised Christian Church is merely the product of the absolute corruption of the Gospel under Pagan Rome (see The Church of the AntiChrist ). Which means that Evangelists such as Bill Keller are themselves imprisoned in a loop within the Laws (see TheLaws), because they continue to cling to the doctrines of Pagan Rome, while crucifying Christ afresh (see TheLie).

In preparation for the upcoming election, liberal Christians led by the Rev. Jim Wallis (see Why The Right Gets It Wrong, And The Left Doesn't Get It) have been peddling their Marxist version of Jesus who preaches government social programs with absolutely no requirement of living a spiritually committed lifestyle and mindset (see Worshiping Caesar). And what they have done is taken the core doctrines of Martin Luther and Pagan Christianity (see The Christian Judas), to a new level of spiritual abomination. In the world of modern liberal Christianity, abortion is a matter of personal choice (see The New Civil Rights Cause), the sexual mindset of both the Roman orgies and Sodom and Gomorrah are the norm, and the wholesale immorality of the government institutionalized schools is celebrated as progressive Christianity (see HomeSchool). And because conservative Christians have themselves embraced the theology of Martin Luther, they have been successfully portrayed as self-imposed extremists who reject the (Marxist) core of the Gospel message. Every day we hear Obama and the Secular Progressive Left preaching the need for health care -- but this is to fulfill the promise of Obama to eliminate all state opposition to abortion (see Unrestricted Abortion). All that is needed is the appointment of another left leaning judge to the Supreme Court that promotes the Living Constitution doctrine, and the Marxist vision promoted by the funding of George Soros of a Socialist America, will come to pass. And in this very distorted vision of the Constitution, there is no place for UnAlienable Rights derived from God -- but rather, the rights that the government permits the people to have.

Unless Evangelists such as Bill Keller ardently renounce the theology of Martin Luther, and begin to acknowledge the many biblical verses presented in the article TheLie (see http://TheLie.org ) -- biblical verses that are totally ignored by a Church which has the doctrines of Martin Luther and Pagan Rome as their foundation -- then conservative Christianity is doomed as it is very quickly making itself irrelevant, and the very liberal and Marxist version of Jesus which is promoted by Barack Obama and the Left, is very quickly becoming the norm. And in this we see the warning of Jesus in the Gospels that those who judge, will themselves be judged -- in that, while Evangelists such as Bill Keller question whether Barack Obama is even Christian, in their own blindness they fail to recognize the fact that Barack is a product of their own manmade doctrines of belief -- taken to the next level.

If Barack Obama wins the upcoming election, then Conservative Christianity is dead. Why? Because, having lost it's political power to sustain the Republican party, the secular element of the (Republican) party will convince the majority that the time has come to shed their dependency on an outdated religious platform. And this will be supported by the fact that our educational systems have successfully portrayed the Religious Right as self-imposed extremists -- i.e., the American Taliban -- and the Marxist Jesus that is totally secular in his thinking, will very quickly replace the fossilized Jesus of the Evangelists such as Bill Keller. As demonstrated in a recent series of letters to the leaders in the Southern Baptists on the necessity to exit from secular schools (see letters), Conservative Christians have themselves been blinded to the inner spiritual meaning of the Gospel, because of their unfaithfulness of handing over their children -- the souls that God has placed in their care -- into the hands of Caesar. Allegorically, this is a prime example of sacrificing their children to the gods.

Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus




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